Employees education by EU funds
In July 2015 Megatrend business solutions signed contract for educating employees co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) at the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts (HOK) with the Minister of Labour and Pension System prof. Ph. D.. Mirando Mrsić, Minister of Entrepreneurship and Crafts Gordan Maras and Director of the Croatian Employment Service Ankica Paun Jarallah.
Megatrend business solutions are one of the grant recipient of the tender for project “Education for Entrepreneurship and Crafts” by which European Union provides support to their states members for investment in human resources for strengthening the competitiveness of the economy.
With project ,,Continuously educating and enhancing the skills and competencies of employees,, Megatrend business solutions will educate a total of its 39 employees to the latest knowledge and skills in the areas of technical and managerial skills and personal development.
The total project value is 344,410.00 kn. European Union will refund Megatrend business solutions grant in an amount of 300,000.00 kn from European Structural and Investment funds –
For more information about the project please contact Ivana Bošković on e-mail:
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund.
“The contents of this announcement is the sole responsibility of Megatrend Business Solutions Ltd.“