d.o.o. (hereinafter: MEGATREND)!
By viewing these MEGATREND WEB pages (hereinafter referred to as the “Pages”), you expressly accept the following legal conditions and rules for the use of these Pages.
The use of the content and functionality of the Site are subject to the provisions in these Legal Terms and Conditions of Use of the Site, and the applicable regulations of the Republic of Croatia apply accordingly.
These Pages have been prepared with all care and have been prepared in good faith solely with the aim of providing information about the MEGATREND company.
MEGATREND does not guarantee, either directly or implicitly, the completeness or timeliness of the information contained on these Pages, as well as on other websites, including websites of third parties to which these Pages refer (hereinafter: Links).
All users who access these pages use their content at their own risk. MEGATREND will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or any other damages arising from access, use or inability to use these pages or due to any error or incompleteness in their content.
All and individual elements of the Site accessed, whether interactive or not, including trade names, signs, logos and design, are protected by appropriate intellectual property rights and belong to MEGATREND. Therefore, it is forbidden to extract, decompile, distribute, modify, copy and in any way distort or distort, or falsely represent or transmit any such element.
The content or parts of the content of these pages may not be reproduced, distributed in whole or in part, or otherwise used for commercial purposes, or in a way that may directly or indirectly cause damage to MEGATREND or third parties.
The content or parts of the content of these pages can only be used for the individual needs of the user and for non-commercial purposes, with respect for all copyright and related rights, proprietary rights and all other rights in the field of intellectual property and any specified limitation of rights, while any use of the pages or content is for commercial or other needs is allowed only with the express consent/approval of MEGATRENDA.
All content of these pages is protected by copyright and related rights, or other rights in the field of intellectual property, and in accordance with the relevant legal regulations of the Republic of Croatia.
By accessing and using these pages, you accept and submit to the procedural and substantive law of the Republic of Croatia as the exclusively applicable law for application, interpretation and legal effects in relation to any aspects related to the use, permissions, exclusions and conditions of use and application of these pages, as well as the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Croatia for all possible claims and disputes that arise as a result of using these Pages or in connection with them.
The user of these pages accepts the legal rules and terms of use of the pages and all potential risks that may arise from their use, and agrees to use the content of these pages exclusively for personal use and at his own risk.
Furthermore, MEGATREND. is in no case responsible for user activities that include misuse of the content of these Pages, i.e. is not responsible for any damage that may occur to the user or any third party in connection with the use or misuse of the content of these Pages.
These Pages may also contain documents, data, information, as well as links to other websites of third parties, which, whenever possible, will be marked as such.
MEGATREND. has no control over the mentioned websites of third parties, nor over their content, and fully disclaims any responsibility regarding the use of information, documents, or the use of third party websites in general.
MEGATREND undertakes to respect the anonymity and privacy of users of these Pages, and will collect personal data of users, such as name, address, telephone number or e-mail address and other data only if the user voluntarily submits them to MEGATREND.
User data collected in this way will be used exclusively for the purpose of better understanding the user’s needs and requirements, and MEGATREND undertakes not to make the said data available without the express consent of the user.
MEGATREND reserves the right to change the content of these pages at any time and in any way, and is not responsible for any damage caused by changes.
Also MEGATREND. reserves the right to change these Legal Terms and Conditions of Use without prior notice or special notification.
Privacy protection
In the company MEGATREND. we undertake to protect the privacy of all our users. We collect only necessary, basic user data and inform users about how to use it.
We regularly give users the option of choosing the use of their data, including the option of deciding whether or not they want their name removed from the “cooperation” list. All user data is strictly kept and is available to employees and contractual partners who need this data to perform their work. All our employees and contractual partners are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.
MEGATREND company. reserves the right to change the content of this website in any way, at any time and for any reason and will not be responsible for any possible consequences resulting from such changes.
The company MEGATREND respects the privacy of visitors to our websites.