How leading companies use the power of data visualization
Graph databases are used in various industries, from telecommunications, hotels, to various banking and other financial institutions, for the purposes of sales and monitoring sales chains, all the way the way to government institutions and monitoring security processes.
Due to their efficiency when processing highly related data and simple visualization of solutions, graph databases are often used in various business solutions.
One of the most popular graph databases is Neo4j. In addition to the standard functionalities of graph databases, Neo4j enables various additional functionalities, such as the use of data science algorithms, with which it is possible to easily discover additional data values that are hidden in their interconnections.
In the article prepared for Mreža magazine by Tina Knežević, Software Engineer from Megatrend poslovna rješenja, find out how leading companies of various sectors have used the power of visualizing connected data and what business benefits they have achieved.
For all your additional questions about how graph databases can help your business, feel free to contact our experts at +385 1 4091 200 or e-mail