
SPSS Enterprise (Modeler) and Statistics

Josipa Jurić

In the past period our team of Business Solutions Consultants acquired several new certificates for selling IBM SPSS solutions what helped us to become a fully authorized partner for selling of IBM software for predictive analytics and statistics.

In addition to the required sales certificates our company has the following SPSS technical certificates: Maja Šekoranja, Business Solutions Consultant, has IBM Certified Specialist – SPSS Modeler Professional v3 certificate, and Đorđe Stojić and Predrag Stojić, Business Solutions Consultants, have IBM Certified Associate – SPSS Modeler Data Analysis v2 certificate.

IBM SPSS Modeler is a software that predicts the probability of the future events using statistical and mathematical methods.

The latest global trend is the use of predictive tools which benefits have already been recognized for a wide range of industries  eg. for financial institutions, manufacturing, sales, telecoms, logistics, pharmaceuticals, health sector, the insurance industry…

For further information about the benefits of using predictive analytics for your business and/or for more information about IBM SPSS Modeler software take a look at:

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