Future of database on Data Science Conference
Megatrend poslovna rješenja is participating on Data Science Conference Zagreb, leading a leading conference dedicated to Data Science in SEE & CE region. Renato Telen, our CTO, will hold the presentation Future of database.
Renato has 35 years of experience in IT solutions. He designed, built and operated Megatrend Data Center. He is author of numerous business continuity and disaster recovery solutions and has long time experience in financial and banking solutions.
Extreme data growth, changing data types and distribution of data set almost impossible requests to existing traditional databases. Database systems are growing more and more complex without actually providing better usage models or increasing business value. Fast and simple access to data of any type and in any location is paramount for extracting real value from data. New database systems come with shifts in fundamental design and possibilities and still provide well known and established mechanisms for data access and integration.
Don’t miss Renato’s presentation! See us soon on Data Science Conference in Zagreb!